Prompt Engine API

Run on the best LLM for every prompt

Run any prompt and get the best model for the job without having to worry about GPUs, tokens, rate limits and it just works

  • 30+ LLMs hot loaded to run instantly

  • Built in prompt optimization for every LLM

  • No virtual rate limits, no tokens, no GPUs

  • Store and manage dynamic variables in prompts

  • Get guaranteed consistent JSON response

Peak performance

Built in dynamic caching with parallel processing for the fastest response times

Secure and private

All data is secured in privatized serverless containers that don't store any data

Logging and monitoring

Log and monitor every prompt and response for debugging and performance monitoring

Latest models

Automatically get access to the latest models without breaking changes

Fully managed

Store, manage and update prompts with dynamic variables with built in prompt optimizations

Guaranteed structure

Get consistent JSON structure for every prompt based on your defined structure

Integrate Prompt Engine on any platform

Easy to use REST APIs that work out of the box in every language and framework with fully managed caching, logging and authentication

import { JigsawStack } from "jigsawstack";

const jigsaw = JigsawStack({
    apiKey: "sk39wo393.....32ncsmw9339RNj3"

const response = await jigsaw.prompt_engine.create({"prompt":"Generate a short story about a {topic} in {language} based in {location}","inputs":[{"key":"topic"},{"key":"language"},{"key":"location"}],"return_prompt":{"story":"The story","sentiment":"Sentiment of the story"}})


npm i jigsawstack

What can you build with JigsawStack Prompt Engine?

3 ways our customers use JigsawStack to build Prompt Engine powered applications

AI-powered applications

Run any application specific prompt without having to compare the quality of output or the model to use


Chain prompts together to build complex automatons with dynamic variables and responses

Data extraction

Extract relevant application specific data by running prompts on the fly

Join the community of AI Engineers shipping faster with JigsawStack 🧩

First class Developer Experience (DX)

Striking the right balance between code and dashboard

Logging and analytics on all APIs

Logging and analytics on all APIs

Access real-time logs and analytics on all your APIs. Debug errors, track users, location maps, sessions, countries, IPs and 30+ data points

API key security control

API key security control

Fine grained control over API keys. Whitelist domains with flexible wildcard support, set expiration date and limit access to specific APIs with unlimited keys

API key security control

Fully typed SDKs

The best docs are the kind that you don't need. Fully typed SDKs with auto-completion and self explanatory params

Team and project management

Team and project management

Manage multiple projects and teams with access control. Invite unlimited team members and assign roles

Globally distributed APIs with 99+ locations without the hassle

JigsawStack APIs are built from the ground up on the edge network

Blazing fast

99.5% uptime with APIs latency reaching as low as 200ms globally

Simple scalable pricing

Scale up and down as you need without worrying about abused cost with usage based pricing


Consistent request and response structure across all API services for predictable use

Up to date

Consistent training for all JigsawStack models to ensure the latest technology is always available without breaking changes

JigsawStack icon

The missing piece to your tech stack