The file upload method is ideal for files that are not larger than 100MB.

The File Storage will assume the content type of an asset automatically. However, you can specify specific file content types like image/jpeg, image/png, e.t.c

Initial requirements

  • Setup a JigsawStack account (if you don’t have an account already)
  • Get your public and secret API keys from here.
  • Install the Node.js SDK or Python SDK

Upload a file

import { JigsawStack } from "jigsawstack";

const publicKey = "your-public-key";

const jigsawstack = JigsawStack({
  apiKey: "your-api-key",

const imageFile = fs.readFileSync("./beach_house.png");

const result = await, {
  filename: "beach_house.png",

// Attach your public key to make your uploaded file accessible
const publicFileUrl = `${result.url}?x-api-key=${publicKey}`;

Overwriting files

When uploading a file with a filename that already exists, the default behavior is to return a 400 file already exists error. If you want to overwrite a file that already exists, set overwrite to true

import { JigsawStack } from "jigsawstack";

const publicKey = "your-public-key";

const jigsawstack = JigsawStack({
  apiKey: "your-api-key",

const imageFile = fs.readFileSync("./beach_house.png");

const result = await, {
  filename: "beach_house.png",
  overwrite: true,

// Attach your public key to make your uploaded file accessible
const publicFileUrl = `${result.url}?x-api-key=${publicKey}`;

Content Type

By default, the File Storage will assume the content type of an asset automatically. If you want to specify the content type for your asset simply pass the contentType option during upload.

import { JigsawStack } from "jigsawstack";

const publicKey = "your-public-key";

const jigsawstack = JigsawStack({
  apiKey: "your-api-key",

const imageFile = fs.readFileSync("./beach_house.png");

const result = await, {
  filename: "beach_house.png",
  overwrite: true,
  content_type: "image/png",

Make your uploaded file accessible

Uploaded files are private by default. To make them public or accessible, attach your public key to the x-api-key query parameter.

const publicFileUrl = `${result.url}?x-api-key=${publicKey}`;

Use uploaded file across other JigsawStack APIs

You can use an uploaded file across other JigsawStack APIs by using the file key and attaching the value to the file_store_key parameter on any API that supports it.

import { JigsawStack } from "jigsawstack";

const jigsawstack = JigsawStack({
  apiKey: "your-api-key",

const imageFile = fs.readFileSync("./beach_house.png");

// Upload the image
const result = await, {
  filename: "beach_house.png",
  overwrite: true,
  content_type: "image/png",

// Retrieve the file key.
const fileKey = result.key

// Use the file key
const result = await{
  prompt : "Describe the image in detail"
 file_store_key: fileKey // file key is used here